Friday 1 January 2016

My New Years Resolutions 2016!

Hello My Lovely's

Happy New Year!! i hope you all have a fantastic 2016!

Now what better way to kick off the new year than to tell you guys my new years resolutions.

lets get straight into it... number 1 is to lose weight. I know I'ts so cliche but I do genuinely want to lose. I've always been a bit on the chubby side and now this year I really want to change that! I'm going to try my best to eat healthier and cut out the crisps and chocolate.

Number 2 is to blog more! I've been really slacking with blogging because like I said in my last post, I just got a full time job and I'm finding it hard to find some spare but this year I'm going to make my mission to get back into it because I love blogging.

Number 3 is to care less about what other people think of me and just enjoy life by living it how I want to live it without being worried about others judging me for my decisions which brings me to my next resolution...

Number 4 To get my anxiety under control. I have suffered with social anxiety for as long as I can remember which makes doing day to day mundane activities such as paying for things at a till or communicating with strangers very difficult. I also don't like being in situations where I feel trapped like a train or a lift (even more so if a stranger is involved too) So this year I want to give my anxiety a run for its money!

Number 5 is to save money and shop less for things I don't really need, I am dreadful at saving money if there's something I really want and I have money in my account I'm buying it, this is getting really out of hand so its time I put my foot down and stop myself buying crap I don't need otherwise I'm going to be skint for the rest of my life and nobody wants that do they?!

Number 6 is learn how to drive... I'm nearly 20 years old and i still can't drive, part of this probably comes down to the anxiety and the thought of being stuck in a car with a stranger, but if I don't do it now I never will so I'm going to have to suck it up and just do it.

And lastly number 7 is to be happier in my own skin and I know I said I want to lose weight but that improves my health so that doesn't count lol. I just mean in the sense that I need to stop comparing myself to others and just be happier being me and just accept that fact that i don't have the nicest lips, I may have a piggy nose or wide hips but that's what makes me, me and this is the only body I have so I need to learn to love it. I think this is so important because if you're not happy with yourself then you never will be truly happy, so embrace the different or the weird, that's what gives you character and originality, this world would be such a boring place if everyone was perfect so just think you are that sparkling piece of originality that stops the world being boring! So just embrace your insecurities and own it and if anyone tries to tell you different then just put them in their place and explain that you love your body! rant over haha.

That's all of my New Years Resolutions, whether I stick to them or not is a different story haha, please feel free to comment your resolutions below as well as any future post requests, I would love to hear form you!!!

Thank you so much for reading :) <3   

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