Thursday 20 October 2016

Halloween Vanilla Cupcakes!

Hello Everyone!
So following the Halloween theme I thought I would do something a little bit different and show you how to make some fun little Halloween cupcakes, they look really cute and they taste amazing if I do say so myself. So lets get to it!

You will need:
250g Butter
250g Caster Sugar
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
250g Self Raising Flour
4 Medium Eggs
1 and 1/2 Tubs Betty Crocker vanilla Frosting
1 Small Pack of Ready to Roll Icing
orange Food Colouring
Green Food Colouring
Red Decorating Gel
Edible Glitter Green and Black
Cupcake Cases
Cupcake tin

Pre heat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius. This mixture will make about 26 cupcakes depending on how much mixture you put in the cases.

Step 1:

Into a mixing bowl, pour in your butter, vanilla extract and caster sugar. Whisk these together until your mixture is pale and fluffy.

Step 2:

Crack in one egg and whisk until fully combined, then repeat this until all of your eggs have been added, the reason you want to do this one at a time rather than all at once is because your mixture will curdle due to their being too much liquid in your bowl but if that does happen don't worry, it should get solved once the flour has been added.

Step 3:

Sift in half of your flower and fold into your mixture using a spoon, this is done so that you keep all the air you have just created by whisking is still kept in the mixture. Once the fist half is fully blended add the next half and repeat until the mixture is thick and creamy.

Step 4:

Using a tablespoon generously but evenly scoop the mixture into you cupcake cases, the reason these cases are different to the ones in the picture above is because I lost half of my photos so I had to repeat some of the steps and I had run out of the silver ones, hence the flowery cases. Then put these into your ore heated oven and bake for 15 mins.

Step 5:

Once they are ready to some out of the oven, check that they are properly cooked by sticking a knife into the centre, if there is no mixture on the knife when you pull it out then they are ready for the next step, however if there is still some uncooked mixture on your knife then stick them back in the oven for a couple more minutes and check them again.

Step 6:

Once your cakes have fully cooled, its time for the icing. You don't have to ice your cakes the same way I have you can just do it with a spoon or knife etc but I think that piped frosting looks so pretty, so I'm using an open star nozzle. When you are putting your frosting into your piping bag remember to fold the top of the bag over to prevent the icing from spilling up the sides and making a massive mess. Then twist the top of the bag to push all of the access air out and then your ready to pipe. So start at the outside of the cake and draw a circle around the edge of your cupcake gradually bringing it to the middle, then pull upwards to create the peak.

Step 7: 

This was when I made the pumpkins for the top of the cupcakes but unfortunately I lost the pictures of me making them so I will just have to try my best to explain how I did them. So starting with the orange part of the pumpkin take a large ball of your ready to roll icing and add your orange food colouring and kneed until the colour is evenly distributed, the take a small ball and rub around your hands to make a ball shape, then take the back of a butter knife and press down into the icing vertically and roll town to the bottom to make a line in the pumpkin. Then take a small ball of plain icing and apply your green food colouring and again kneed until fully distributed. Then roll between your fingers to make a point, then cut of with a knife and stick to the pumpkin using a little bit of water, then just for a bit if added effect I took some sparkly decorating gel and squeezed around then stem to make it look like drips of blood but that part is totally optional.

Step 8:

I bought some edible glitter from hobby craft in the colours black and green, so i sprinkled this over the icing just to add a bit of sparkle which looked so fricken pretty!

Step 9:

Lastly you just want to plonk your beautiful pumpkin creation on top of the frosting and then your all done!

Congratulations you can now make irresistibly cute Halloween cupcakes! I hop you enjoyed this blog post! Let me know in the comments how it went if you tried this yourself i would love to know! feel free to share with your friends and i will see you in the next post :)<3

P.S I have recently created a twitter page if you want updates on my blog posts etc, you can follow me if you like! my user name is @jadeloves963.

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