Sunday 9 October 2016

Halloween Decorations Haul!

Hello Everybody!

Today I'm going to be showing you what spookstacular Halloween decorations I recently purchased, however I couldn't get all of the decorations I was hoping to get so I'm not 100% happy with how it all looks but that's okay. All of the decorations you will see in this video are from Asda, Poundland and Wilko.
So lets get started mwahaha!

I love sugar skulls so a lot of these decorations are sugar skull related, this wreath is from Asda and I think its so beautiful, it has black plastic strands all around it with felt flowers and a felt skull and it looks so pretty on the door.

This little decoration I have stuck to the door underneath the wreath its a skeleton that has been printed on a kind of chalk board material slab and it has very pretty bright sugar skull/ day of the dead detailing on it. This one is from poundland.

I have this decoration stuck to the wall, I love this one its so bright and colourful but it also has a glittery face and you all know how much I love my glitter. This one was from Asda.

This was actually a table cloth but my table is black so you wouldn't have been able to see it very well so I stuck it to the wall and put some bright purple fairy lights around it which looks great when the lights are off! The table cloth is from poundland and the lights are from Asda.

I think this one has to be my favourite its a sugar skull candle and its so big and heavy haha, I'm never going to burn this its too pretty i think I'm going to keep it out all year round just because I think it is so pretty, this one is from Asda.

This one I got from poundland and I bought this one just because I thought it was pretty, its shaped like an old vintage mirror and is covered in black glitter. As you can see none of my decorations are very scary haha.

This one is also from poundland its plastic and as you can see has a skull on it, the eye is supposed to light up red but mine for some reason doesn't work unless you push on the battery but hey you get what you pay for.

I have two of these fake candles which have black glitter on them and the flame kind of flickers like a real candle would. They are from Asda. These little photo things I think are so cool they are a hologram so from one angle it just looks like a normal Victorian photo but in another angle they look all creepy and zombified. These are from poundland.

Here is the other one I have you can kind of see the zombie faces more in this photo.

These are some little battery skull lights that I got from poundland they are actually quite bright when the lights are off. I have just blue tacked these to my TV stand.

This is a cute little banner that says 'Happy Halloween' with some pretty patterns on it, it also has a cracked china effect printed on to it which make it look old and creepy. I have this stuck to my wall too and this is also from poundland.

I bought seven of these lanterns all from poundland, I then attached them all to  a long piece of string and then attached them to the celling so that they all hang in a straight line, i don't know if you can see from the picture but these have little lights in them that are battery operated so when  the room is dark it kind of projects skulls around the room which looks really cool.

I think this banner may also be one of my favourites, its from Wilko and they are a very thin paper sugar skull with shapes cut out of them and I love these a lot they look so delicate and pretty.

I did this painting a while back but I didn't like it but my mum loved it so she hung it on the wall so to try and make it look a bit better lol I hung this really pretty sugar skull banner over the top of it which I believe is from Asda.

This pretty little spooky decoration is from Asda and to be totally honest I bought this because I really liked the bright colours of the glitter haha. I just have this sitting on my windowsill.

This is a holographic skeleton from poundland, although this isn't supposed to look pretty, when its dark and theres a little bit of light shining onto it it looks really shiny and glitter although there is no glitter on this lol there are flecks of green,orange and silver and I really like it.

So you have now reached the end of this blog post feel free to comment below and let me know which decoration is your favourite and please feel free to share it would be much appreciated. :) <3

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