Sunday 18 December 2016

Why I'm Terrified of Santa!

Hello Everyone,

So today i thought i would share with you a  quick but pretty funny (but maybe not so funny on my part lol) story on why i have always been petrified of Santa.

So! for as long as i can remember i have been petrified of Santa and when my mum told me this story it all made sense,  when i was a toddler my mum and myself went to one of my favourite toy shops in my little UK town, in this toy shop was a man dressed as father Christmas (children, if you're reading this, it wasn't a man pretending it was the real deal!) side note i have always felt a little bit sketched out by people dressed up as various things such as Santa or the people that dress in the fuzzy animal costume things etc. So my mum said she could already tell that i was a little bit freaked out but she just let me do my own thing to see how i got on around him, so of i went on my merry little way, then my mum says that the Santa man starts to walk over towards me to which i start to run away from him hysterically crying, but instead of this guy thinking oh crap I've just mortified this little girl, he continued to chase me around the shop which obviously terrified me even more so my mum goes over to him and tells him to stop chasing me, but he just ignores her and carries on chasing me anyway, thinking back in how this must have looked literally makes me laugh out loud but eat the time i was probably anything but amused by this lol.

 So my mum figures out that this Santa obviously isn't going to stop chasing me she picks me up and starts having a full blown argument with this man in the middle of the toy shop ( which i obv don't even remember) telling him about how terrified he has made me and stuff like i said i don't remember any of this so i don't know exactly what she said but this ended in my mum making a complaint to the manager and we never went back to that shop around Christmas time again haha i don't know of he got sacked or anything we didn't stick around to find out lol, so even though i don't remember this happening it must have subconsciously embedded into my memory and given me a phobia of Santa haha.

Another time my dad dressed up as Santa one year and as soon as he entered the room i bolted lol everyone else was loving it but nope not me, whenever i watch the tape back it makes be chuckle a bit because everyone else is laughing having a great time and I'm just screaming in the corner haha ( bearing in mind i was about six when this happened) also whenever i saw a saints in the street or anything i always veer of to the other side because it still creeps me out haha, so obv my mum had to tell me from a very young age that Santa wasn't real ( kids that last sentence was a lie, he is 100% real) because otherwise i would just lose it every time i saw him haha.

So that's it for this weeks blog post! i hope you enjoyed it and gave you a little chuckle haha if anyone else has experienced anything similar leave me a comment below i would love to hear it! also don't forget to share with your friends it would be much appreciated! until next time.. thanks for reading ☺♡

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