Sunday 11 September 2016

Product I Regret Buying!

Hello my Lovelies, today I am going to be sharing with you a product that I regret buying and that product is called the "Easystr8" I bought this product around December 2015/January 2016, I bought it directly from the eaststr8 website and paid around £60 ish pounds for it. I was so excited to try it I thought it would save me so much time straightening my hair, but oh boy was I wrong. Every single time I've tried it, it has done absolutely nothing for my hair however I always gave it the benefit of the doubt and tried it again, I even looked up videos on youtube that show you how to use it, followed the instructions step by step and still nothing, I had even tried putting it to the highest heat setting and still nothing so, I have now come to the conclusion that it does not work. I don't know if its a faulty batch or whether the product just doesn't work on my particular hair but it did not work for me.



As you can see the picture on the left is  before I used the "eaststr8" and on the right is the after picture and you can see there is barely any difference between the two pictures, my hair was still left frizzy and crinkly which is not the polka straight texture I like my hair to be which I can easily achieve with normal hair straighteners.

This is what the product looks like, just like a normal hairbrush but it has little prong in it that heat up and supposedly straighten your hair. Its also a pretty metallic pink.

One thing I didn't like was the fact that the little rubber blobs on the end of the bristles are so painful to brush through your hair because it snags and pulls, it also did rip quite a lot of my hair out which you might be able to see form the picture.

Another thing that I did not like and was actually kind of annoying was that the on/off button and the heat adjustment buttons are on the side of the brush where obviously your hand or your fingers will go, so when you are combing this through your hair it is very easy to change the settings or turn the brush off,  this happened to me numerous times.

Overall I could not get this product to work for me I have tried to use it so many times and still no results. I think this product was a really good idea but unfortunately doesn't work how it had been expected to so its back to the old faithful straighteners for me. Just a little disclaimer this is not me bashing or slandering the product creators I am simply just giving my opinions on how it worked for me, I'm sure some people love this products and works for them perfectly but this is just how I feel about it.

Thank you so much for reading, please feel free to comment and share it would be much appreciated :) <3

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