Wednesday 31 August 2016

Life Hacks!

Hello Everybody!
Today I have bit of a different post for you, it is my 15 favourite life hacks so... starting with number...

1) When you want to cross a word out but don't want the crossed out word to be visible, instead of scribbling it out, write random words and letters over the top of it. It will disguise it much better than a scribble.

2) If you want to eat a cupcake but don't want the embarrassing mess of frosting all over your face, simply just cut it horizontally through the middle and flip the top half upside down to make a cake sandwich with the frosting in between both pieces of sponge.

3)Poke a paper cake cup that you would use for baking with the stick of your favourite ice lolly to catch any drips of melted ice lolly so that you can have the joy of eating a lolly without the annoying sticky fingers.

4) Instead of burning yourself trying to light your favourite half burned candle, simply light the end of a piece of spaghetti so that you essentially have an extra long match.

5) Instead of getting a painful dead arm from holding your phone whilst watching a video, rest it on a pair of sunglasses.

6)If you have to use a public toilet make sure you use the cubicle closest to the door, it is the least used cubicle and therefore the cleanest. you're welcome.

7)If you are craving chicken nuggets but are trying to be healthy, dip some cauliflower in barbecue sauce, it tastes just like chicken nuggets but is much healthier for you.

8)Drink green tea before going to bed, it will increase your metabolism and burn more calories while you sleep.

9)Head and Shoulders shampoo can be used to get rid of acne but make sure you keep it well away from your eyes because if you get any of this shampoo in them it will burn like a mofo. I had to learn this the hard way!

10)Put your phone in an empty cup to amplify the volume (obv don't be an idiot like me, make sure your phone actually fits in the cup lol).

11)When you have finished an essay, copy and paste it into google translate and  let it read your essay back to you. Doing this will help you find and mistakes, I used to do this all the time when I was doing work for my GCSE's.

12)If you want somebody to stop texting you for good text them this- SMS SERVICE ERROR 305:MESSAGE FAILED TO SEND. FURTHER MESSAGES WILL BE CHARGED TO YOUR ACCOUNT. (Again you're welcome lol).

13)Sticking your fingers in your ears for a few seconds is an instant cure for the hiccups.

14) Use a straw to remove the stem from strawberries.

15)If you're feeling too hot, run your wrists under the cold water tap for 5 minutes. This will cool your blood down.

And that's all of my life hacks for today, let me know in the comments if you knew any of these also if you have tried any and give your opinions!! Thank you so much for reading :) <3

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